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C word which refers to Cancer is very dangerous and scary, the scenario will be the worst if you or your loved one diagnosed with the disease.
The fact is that the cancer can be cured and prevent by some changes in the lifestyle changes, early and early treatments.
Check out below steps and methods to avoid affected by cancer:
The food plays an important role in fighting for many of the disease, the risk of cancer be reduced by eating rich fruits and foods. Limit yourself to taking fat content food especially those from animal sources. Also, intake of salty foods and food processed with salt should be taken in moderation.
Tobacco can cause a serious problem to health and there is a chance of increase in cancer smoking has been linked to cancer of the lungs, bladder, cervix and kidneys; chewing tobacco causes oral and pancreatic cancer.
If you have a habit of drinking Alcohol then limit the intake, while men should not exceed two and women should not take more than one.study suggests that taking of same quantity of wine a day may give you a better chance of avoiding heart failure than those who don't drink at all.
Being active for 30 minutes reduces the chance of cancer. Daily exercise may keep you in track maintaining the exact weight, which might reduce the chance of certain cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and kidney cancer.
Whenever you step out, use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher whenever you step out in the sun.
Getting regular medical care can reduce your risk of developing cancer. Research has shown that screening for cervical, colorectal and breast cancers can help treat them before turning cancerous.
-Arun Kumar