(Image source from: Say goodbye to wrinkles})
Most women stress over wrinkles and fine lines as they cross their mid-twenties. Wrinkles are probably more worrisome than body weight for women. Many believe that wrinkles are genetic, but in reality it's related to your lifestyle. The primary reasons for wrinkles include sun damage, habitual facial expressions, aging, smoking and lack of moisturisation.
As we grow older (post 30 years) our skin's capacity to produce new cells reduces. Also the inner layer of skin start thining and losing its elasticity. This is the main reason for sagging skin and wrinkles appear. With age the skin loses its ability to stay moisturised, giving it dry and scaly look.
Steps to prevent wrinkles
Firstly, accept the fact that appearance of wrinkles is a natural process of aging. Whatever you do it will be there. So stop stressing about your wrinkles as it will lead to more fine lines. Inspite of all the medical facilities you cannot stop it, but only delay the appearance of wrinkles.
Start early. Adopt a healthy lifestyle that will have minimum impact on your skin and overall health.
Beauty products are helpful in delaying the process. Take help of collagen boosting products.
Make sure that the products you use and the ingredients it contains are good for your skin. If you find a product that negatively affects your skin, discontinue its usage immediately. Prolonged use of products which contain harmful chemicals will leave irreparable damage on your skin.
Its important to keep your face clean to delay the signs of aging. Take care of your skin from a young age to maintain its glow and texture. Adopt a daily beauty regimen that includes deep pore cleaning/detox followed by moisturisation.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Avoid smoking, eating junk food and leading a stressful life. These factors increase the chances of appearance of wrinkles. Dissuade your friends and family from smoking in front of you as passive smoking is equally harmful to your health and skin.
Eat nutritious food
The skin reflects your health. Eat a healthy diet that includes whole grains and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Include healthy oils like olive oil to prevent damage from free radicals to your skin. Try to consume foods that contain high levels of antioxidants as they help to remove free radicals from your body.
Practise some form of exercise everyday to help the blood circulation in your body. Go for brisk walking, dancing, aerobics or yoga to keep a healthy flow of oxygen to your skin. Exercise makes you sweat that helps your body to remove toxics.
(AW: Pratima Tigga)