Superstar Rajinikanth is busy shooting for his next movie titled 2.0 in the direction of Shankar. The movie is said to be a visual treat and will have huge dose of VFX effects throughout the movie. Rajinikanth will be seen in three different roles in 2.0 and Amy Jackson is the female lead. Bollywood Superstar Akshay Kumar is the lead antagonist in 2.0 and the movie is being made on a massive budget of Rs 450 crores. As per the latest news, the movie is currently in final stages of shoot.
2.0 is currently in last schedule and it will be wrapped up by the end of this month. A crucial action episode is currently being canned under the supervision of Hollywood technicians. AR Rahman is composing the music for 2.0 and Rajinikanth will wrap up his part by the end of April including dubbing. The movie is being produced by Lyca Productions and will release in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi languages in 3D during Diwali.