Superstar Rajinikanth has been on break from the past few months because of ill health. His last outing Kabali ended up as a decent grosser all over and the actor wrapped up half of the shoot of his next movie titled Robo 2.0. Top director is helming the movie which has been made on a massive budget of Rs 350 crores. The movie is the sequel for the super hit film Robo and Amy Jackson is the female lead. Bollywood Superstar Akshay Kumar is the lead antagonist in the film and the shoot of the film has been kept on hold as Rajini is not ready.
As per the latest news, the regular shoot of Robo 2.0 will resume from September 23rd in Chennai in which Rajinikanth along with Akshay Kumar and the lead actors will participate in the shoot. AR Rahman is composing the music and the makers are in plans to unveil the first look along with the release date during the third week of November. Lyca Productions is bankrolling the movie which will hit the screens during 2017.