Super talented actor Suriya is busy shooting for his next movie titled Singam 3 which marks the third instalment of Suriya’s Singam franchise. Hari is directing this action packed entertainer and Anushka, Shruti Haasan are the female leads. The shoot of the film is currently in final stages and the makers are in plans to release the film during November. The first teaser of Singam 3 will be out on September 20th and Suriya is producing the film on 2D Entertainments banner.
The actor has been listening to scripts and there are rumours that PA Ranjith will direct Suriya’s next film however the latest update is that young and talented director Vignesh Sivan will direct the film. Suriya has been quite impressed with the film’s script and signed the film. The regular shoot of this untitled movie will start from October and will be produced by Suriya’s 2D Entertainments banner. More details about the film to be revealed soon.