(Image source from: Illegal Immigrants - Living in Fear)
The Center for Immigration Studies an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization in a publication reported that in the year 2000 there were 7 million illegal aliens living in the United States.
India is not the only country that illegal immigrants come from in the western world. In fact the main source of illegal immigrants for the United States is probably its neighbor Mexico.
However illegal immigrants from many countries including India are spread in several western countries. The prospect of a better live and easy money in foreign countries is one of the reasons many people desire to go abroad.
Those who do not qualify to immigrate by using legal channels often fall victim to agents who wish to make a fast buck and mislead them into believing that all they need to do is enter the foreign country and the rest will work out fine.
Some agents charge vast sums of money from people and fool unsuspecting people into traveling to foreign countries with promises that are rarely kept.
I have heard and read stories of illegal immigrants in many countries and believe me that most people who are trapped as illegal immigrants regret what they have got themselves into.
Western Countries in Recession:
2009 Started with job losses continuing all over North America. Many professionals are also now feeling the pressure to hang on to their present jobs as more and more companies cut down to survive difficult economic conditions and remain competitive. As we are now in the early part of 2012, the job situation in the United States is still suffering.
Potential immigrants should be aware of these tough times. Even places like Dubai a favorite destination for people from India are reportedly feeling the economic pinch as many foreigners are leaving Dubai due to job losses.
All this should serve as a warning to those who think of immigrating at this time. Be very wary of unscrupulous agents trying to make a fast buck by giving out information intended to mislead people.
Do your homework before you pack your bags to go abroad.
Many illegal immigrants find themselves trapped in a foreign country, thousands of miles away from their loved ones. Some perhaps wish to leave but are worried about facing the law. Others probably live with the hope that may be a government amnesty will one day legalize their status.
Any way one looks at this problem of illegal immigration. There appears to be no end to it to the problems one faces by living in a country illegally. Even now we hear of stories where Indian citizens are paying several lakh rupees for being smuggled abroad. What is alarming is that many of these people who pay large sums of money are not aware of what type of life awaits them if indeed they succeed in going overseas illegally.
Those contemplating going abroad without proper documentation should consider the problems associated with such a decision and think of their loved ones and families welfare.
Problems Associated with Illegal immigrants
There are numerous problems faced by people who end up living illegally in foreign countries after spending a fortune to travel abroad thousands of miles away from home leaving their families behind hoping to for a better living in foreign countries where sometimes they end up in worst conditions than they were in their own countries.
Consider the following:
•The live under constant threat of being arrested.
•Employers who hire them pay them very poor wages and they are under constant threat of deportation.
•Most illegal immigrants cannot even get a drivers license as they cannot show proper documentation.
•Children of illegal immigrants suffer as they are afraid to send them to school in case their parents illegal status is discovered.
•Illegal immigrants have poor jobs, often no medical coverage and are constantly afraid to go to the authorities even if they are victims of injustice.
•Illegal immigrants who are caught and deported also risk a ban from never being allowed entry into the country in future.
•Illegal immigrants cannot travel back to their home countries as they do not have documentation to get back.
•Many professionals of Indian origin, who have lived abroad for several years are again contemplating a return to India.
Source: NRIInformation