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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope


Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18 )

This Month Overview

A Transformative Time This month, the sun spends most of its time in your 8th house of transformation and other people's resources. This is a time to get deep and passionate, this is not surface level energy, Aquarius. Your modern ruler Uranus goes retrograde September 1, in your 4th house of home and family. You've experienced a lot of change in this area over the past few years, and a situation may return that you need to address in order to move forward in regards to your ancestry, your parents, or your physical home itself. You may need to make some repairs around the home or tend to a close family member. The Virgo new moon on September 2 happens in your 8th house of transformation. This is a time to get clear on deep rooted issues that are affecting you. Virgo is about fixing things, and you can address these issues on a psychological level so that you can move forward with clarity. You can also plant some seeds around making money with a partner. This could be a business or romantic relationship. Or you could simply choose to tackle paying some old debts. Mars enters your 7th house of work and health on September 4, forcing you to turn your energy to these areas. You'll have a lot of stamina to tackle projects. If you've been neglecting your health, this is a time to put your energy into, focusing on bettering it, with the foods you eat and the exercises you do. You should also schedule doctor's appointments. The 6th house is also connected to pets, so you may need to tend to a pet more during this time, or choose to get one. Mercury joins the sun in your 8th house of transformation on September 8, giving you the energy to tackle some of the goals you set around the new moon. This is when you can actually make and start implementing a plan in regards to the topics of money through a partnership or focus on deep healing and transformation. The Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on September 17 kicks off an upcoming cycle for everyone that involves auditing each area of your life, and repairing the things that need work so that we can move towards our dreams, creativity, and an inner sense of peace and healing. This eclipse will put a spotlight on your finances and what you value, including yourself. Venus moves into your 10th house of career on September 22, and this is a very significant time for you, Aquarius. The 10th house is an angular house, and Venus here is nice for being received well by colleagues in your profession and your reputation in general. You could attract help from a powerful woman when it comes to achieving your career goals. goals. More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for Business

The Uranus retrograde, which begins on September 1, gives you a sense of power and autonomy in the professional landscape you’ve created. They say money makes the world go ’round, and you’re finding it to be true this month. The new moon in Virgo on the second is making you very aware of the importance of having good cash flow in order to fund your professional vision. If you’re strapped for money, you might find that crowdfunding is a great option. Not only will it help you offset expenses, but it’ll bring you closer with the community that you live in and are a part of. The lunar eclipse on September 17 will push you forward in unexpected ways.  As the month comes to a close, you’ll see the fruits of your career on the twenty-second.   More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for Romantic

Expect the unexpected when Uranus, your rebel home planet, goes retrograde in stable Taurus on September 1! You might be reconnecting with an ex, reevaluating your priorities, or even undergoing a sudden change in your relationship status. It might not seem like it, Aquarius, but the Universe is guiding you toward a more fulfilling path. #trusttheprocess On the sixth, an erratic Mercury-Uranus square twists the lines of communication, so it’s very possible to get your signals crossed. You might experience unexpected connections with unconventional people or spark interesting conversations with a current partner, but that yellow caution tape is always flapping around in the background. When the sun trines Uranus on September 19, your uniqueness is obvious. This is a great time to put yourself out there and attract partners who appreciate your independent spirit and intelligence. If you’re attached, reconnecting with your partner on a deeper level is magical. You’re each your own person, but you work well as a cohesive team. On the twenty-second, the sun entering Libra puts the focus on partnerships. Unity is important now, so you’ll be looking for someone who treats you with respect and agrees with a lot of your opinions and beliefs. If you’re already with someone, enjoy peaceful deliberations and negotiations. Volunteering somewhere together makes a great date activity. More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for Fliter

A Transformative Time This month, the sun spends most of its time in your 8th house of transformation and other people's resources. This is a time to get deep and passionate, this is not surface level energy, Aquarius. Your modern ruler Uranus goes retrograde September 1, in your 4th house of home and family. You've experienced a lot of change in this area over the past few years, and a situation may return that you need to address in order to move forward in regards to your ancestry, your parents, or your physical home itself. You may need to make some repairs around the home or tend to a close family member. The Virgo new moon on September 2 happens in your 8th house of transformation. This is a time to get clear on deep rooted issues that are affecting you. Virgo is about fixing things, and you can address these issues on a psychological level so that you can move forward with clarity. You can also plant some seeds around making money with a partner. This could be a business or romantic relationship. Or you could simply choose to tackle paying some old debts. Mars enters your 7th house of work and health on September 4, forcing you to turn your energy to these areas. You'll have a lot of stamina to tackle projects. If you've been neglecting your health, this is a time to put your energy into, focusing on bettering it, with the foods you eat and the exercises you do. You should also schedule doctor's appointments. The 6th house is also connected to pets, so you may need to tend to a pet more during this time, or choose to get one. Mercury joins the sun in your 8th house of transformation on September 8, giving you the energy to tackle some of the goals you set around the new moon. This is when you can actually make and start implementing a plan in regards to the topics of money through a partnership or focus on deep healing and transformation. The Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on September 17 kicks off an upcoming cycle for everyone that involves auditing each area of your life, and repairing the things that need work so that we can move towards our dreams, creativity, and an inner sense of peace and healing. This eclipse will put a spotlight on your finances and what you value, including yourself. Venus moves into your 10th house of career on September 22, and this is a very significant time for you, Aquarius. The 10th house is an angular house, and Venus here is nice for being received well by colleagues in your profession and your reputation in general. You could attract help from a powerful woman when it comes to achieving your career goals. goals. More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes, Daily Couple's LoveScopes, Daily CareerScopes, Weekly RomanticScopes, Monthly FitnessScopes, more...Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.