A new study finds that, eating blueberries can help in reverting age and enhancing vision and memory.Shuyang Qu, Doctoral Student at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences in the US, said in a statement, that, "Eating blueberries can also curb risks of developing cancer as well as reduce the chances of heart diseases."
Previous studies proved that, blueberries are rich in healthy anti-oxidant substances, that are helpful in preventing Alzheimer's effects like decline in cognitive skills and memory. It is an increasingly common form of dementia.
According to the researchers, the low-income populations tend to know less about blueberry health benefits in comparison to the wealthy groups. They wanted to determine the consumer's knowledge regarding health benefits of the blueberry and see if there is a knowledge gap with blueberry health benefits among demographic groups.
The study includes over 2,000 people, more than 31 states in the US in which mostly in the Midwest and on the East Coast to see how well informed the consumers were about the health benefits of blueberries.
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