Most people cant imagine life without sugar, in fact they cant resist foods like chocolates, cakes, pies, pastries and sodas. All these foods are loaded with sugar, which could damage yourself. Here are few convincing reasons to quit sugar. Check out!
Decrease in blood sugar levels will drop energy levels and would leave you out of mood. When this happens, you tend to reach out for sugar. If this turns into a habit, you became sugar dependent and moody too. Excess sugar in the body gets converted into fat, which could lead to diabetes or heart disease in the future. Sugar creates Advanced Gycation Ends, which damages collagen and elasticity in skin, making it sag early. This means, skipping sweet would help you restore natural youthfulness of skin.
Taking in more sweets make pancreas release insulin, reducing blood sugar levels. Insulin releases the human growth hormone that raises risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart ailments and even harms immune system. Quitting sugar also improves mental concentration and clarity.
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Eating sugar means, making liver to work overtime to process it. Food items like cakes, juices, sodas etc are rich in fructose, causing liver to neglect other functions. This leads to increased blood pressure, fatigue and uric acid levels. Sugar even harms your heart and intake affects metabolism of your body. It leads to increase in triglyceride levels as well as blood cholesterol. Stones in kidneys may be the result of taking in a lot of sugar. It causes burning, itching and urinary tract infections. To avoid all these complications, is it not better to stay away from sweets and sugars?
- Sumana