(Image source from: Exporters India)
Ladyfinger or bhindi, which is grown in humid and hot places around the world, in fact, helps with body sugar level and diabetes.
Commonly known as ochra/okra in English speaking countries, ladyfinger is grown in humid and hot places around the world. Although disliked by many for the gooey consistency, bhindi has a handful of benefits we didn’t know about.
How Ladyfinger Reduces Blood Sugar?
In a study conducted in 2011 by the Journal of Pharmacy & BioAllied Sciences, researchers in India found out okra worked in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. People with blood sugar issues experimented with okra on a daily basis and noticed a positive shift in their blood sugar levels. The patients informed cutting up okra, soaking it in water and then drinking the water the next morning helped reduce their blood sugar level. In Turkey, roasted okra seeds have been used as diabetes medicine for ages.
Multiple Benefits of Ladyfinger
Okra is great for weight loss due to high water and fiber content. Fiber is known to help throw out dirt from the body. The water content level helps one lose weight. Fruits and vegetables with higher water content are great for weight loss. Okra keeps you full for longer and you don’t get hungry fast while providing the nutrients you need.
Raw okra is 90 percent water. Which is very close to watermelon which is 91.45 percent water. Fruits and vegetables with high water content are great for hydration. If you’re someone who struggles to drink the recommended amount of water every day, try inculcating okra in your diet.
Okra can be prepared in many ways to change the consistency if that’s one of your issues with the veggies. It can be made as a snack as well as the main course.
By Sowmya Sangam