(Image source from: Smallest baby birth weight of 650 gm holds record!})
A premature baby was born at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Adilabad, on 9 September 2015, through a caesarean section to Debbadiwar Vijayalakshmi and Rakesh of Adilabad town, Telangana. The baby girl weight just 650 gm at the time of birth, holding a record of smallest baby with 650 gm birth weight to survive in a government hospital in Telangana. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Adilabad, the Sick Newborn Care Unit (SNCU) nodal officer Suryakant Mundlod revealed this saying that it was a challenging task to recover the baby from a certain death.
After four months of her birth, the baby girl was brought to home on Sunday. The baby was born through a caesarean section at the SNCU. The birth weight of the baby was around fourth of the normal weight of 2.5 kg for infants during birth. The girl was fed mother’s milk all these months. She is doing well with normal vision and intellect, weighing 1.9 kg.
Mundlod said, “We struggled to maintain its normal body temperature while keeping it free from infections. The baby was fed mother’s milk and now she is 1.9 kg with normal vision and intellect.” Dr. Mundlod was complement for his efforts by Forest Minister Jogu Ramanna and RIMS Director A. Ashok.