(Image source from: SaleBhai)
Summer is here and who doesn’t like to gulp down summer coolers in soaring temperatures?
Aam panna, the well-liked Indian summer drink made of raw mangoes is a perfect drink to deal with the Indian tropical weather. The main ingredient- raw mangoes have its own set of benefits, but the process of making Aam ka Panna is healthier than any other juices. It includes the process of boiling and is prepared using healthy simple spices.
Ingredients of Aam Panna
- 500 gm green mangoes
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp kala namak (black rock salt)
- 2 tsp roasted and powdered cumin seeds
- 2 Tbsp finely chopped mint leaves
- 2 cups of water
Steps to Make Aam Panna
1. Boil the mangoes till they become soft inside, and the skin gets discolored.
2. When cool enough to handle, remove the skin and squeeze the pulp out of the mangoes.
3. Now mix all the ingredients together, blend and add 2 cups of water.
4. Put some ice in the glasses and pour the panna over it.
Health Benefits of Aam Panna
The delicious Indian drink aam panna is known to be rich in carbohydrates, Vitamins A, B1, B2, and C. Moreover, minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and nutrients namely folate, pectin, choline are also found in aam panna.
Avoids Dehydration
Aam panna is known to improve the electrolyte balance in the body and helps beat dehydration during summers. In places like north India, aam panna is most important because it helps the body fight the heat waves.
Rich in fiber and vitamin B, aam panna helps in solving constipation issues and even relieves acidity. Even the minerals and other nutrients found in aam panna are extremely great to improve intestinal health.
Raw mango is known to be low on the glycemic index and therefore even the diabetics can consume it without fear of having an elevated blood sugar levels. However, too much of Aam Panna should also be avoided and avoid processed sugar in the drink.
Raw mangoes are naturally rich in various vitamins and minerals and this desi cooler made out of it can help clean your body. This detoxification drink is extremely vital for seasonal change and helps your body prepare for summers.
Aam panna relieves depression. Rich in vitamin B6 aam panna can help to produce BAGA acid that causes the central nervous system to act as a neurotransmitter. Consuming aam pan help soothe stress and relax.
Since aam panna is an amazing natural source of iron, it helps your body prevent diseases caused due to iron deficiency. Health issues such as anemia can be avoided if your body makes enough iron. Aam panna is rich in calcium and magnesium as well.
Rich in vitamin A, aam panna helps protect eyes from various diseases such as cataract, dry eyes, etc.
By Sowmya Sangam