The teaser of Syeraa impressed the Telugu audience big time but it could not draw the attention of the Bollywood filmmakers. After the super success of Baahubali franchise, several Bollywood filmmakers are keen on acquiring the Hindi rights of big-budget films. KGF did exceptional business and now Saaho is all set to rule the Bollywood. Megastar Chiranjeevi's magnum opus Syeraa was left unsold and now the theatrical rights of the film have been picked up.
Top distributor Anil Thadani and Excel Entertainments bagged the Hindi rights of the film for a record price which was not disclosed. They recently released Kannada blockbuster KGF. The deal got closed today. Syeraa is hitting the screens on October 2nd across the globe in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada languages. Surendar Reddy is the director and Nayanthara is the female lead. Amitabh Bachchan has a crucial role in the film and Ram Charan's Konidela Production Company produced Syeraa which is made on a budget of Rs 200 crores.