Easter Sunday 2019: Significance, History, and Celebrations of Holy Week
April 16, 2019 10:11
(Image source from: Time Out)
Easter is one of the most prominent festivals celebrated by Christians all over the world. This year Easter Sunday will be observed on April 21, prior to which Good Friday will be observed on April 19.
Easter Sunday signifies the resurrection of Jesus Christ after he was crucified and buried which is observed as Good Friday. When Jesus' disciples went to his grave on the third day after his death, they found the stone rolled away and the place empty.
The Bible says he rose from the dead and the joyful occasion is celebrated as Easter by a majority of followers of Christ across the world.
The week before Easter which is known as Holy Week began on April 14 and will end on April 20. It is the last week of Lent (a month of fasting) following which Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are observed. While in Western countries, Easter begins on Sunday and lasts for seven weeks while in Eastern regions, it begins with Pascha and ends with the Feast of the Ascension on a fortieth day.
Significance of Easter
Easter is celebrated across the world marking the spirit of rebirth and life and as a remembrance of Jesus' great sacrifice for mankind. Easter symbolizes Christ's victory over death and promise of eternal life to those who believe in him. Jesus was often addressed as 'Rabbi' or preacher during his life on Earth. He was killed by the then Roman government for calling himself the 'Son of God' and teaching ways of eternal life. In modern times, the festival is associated with various motifs and the making of Easter eggs and Easter bunnies.
Easter Celebrations
According to popular belief, rabbits and eggs are associated with new life, hence the spirit of Easter and the resurrection. As rabbits give birth to many babies, they symbolize new life thus connecting to the new life of Jesus after he rose from the dead. People thus began creating nests for rabbits to lay their eggs.
Over the years, decorative baskets replaced nests and gifts, and candies were distributed instead of colorful eggs.
Easter lily graces the houses and churches on this day. Egg hunting, Easter parades, decorating baskets are also held. Food is an integral part of Easter celebrations. Some of the popular dishes include glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, Easter biscuits, hot crossed buns, simnel cake, roast lamb, deviled eggs, and Easter pie.
By Sowmya Sangam