It is alleged that Donald trump is spreading falsehood, just before five weeks from becoming the president
Donald trump tweeted: “Why White house had not raised an alarm about Russian interference in the presidential election until after Hillary Clinton’s defeat.”
White house issued am official statement, on Oct 7, accusing the Russians being involved in the cyber attacks that appear to have harmed Clinton’s campaign.
“Only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities,” the administration statement said at the time.
The issue was not a surprise to Trump. In July Trump called on Russians to find and release Clinton’s emails. In September he talked about accusations of Russians hacking and commented on them during the fall of presidential debates.
If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost? - Donald J. Trump
The media tries so hard to make my move to the White House, as it pertains to my business, so complex - when actually it isn't! - Donald J. Trump
Trump had gathered a band of enthusiastic supporters large enough to win the presidency by this strategy, and posed further threat of alienating those who did not side with him and with whom a more conventional president-elect might want to ingratiate himself during his preparation for an inauguration period.
A poll conducted by McClatchy-Marist which was released on Thursday had demonstrated both the risks and rationale of trump’s tactics Two-thirds of American voters cast them as “reckless and distracting” compared with 1 in 5 who found them “effective and informative.”
Donald Trump spreading falsehood
Even among Republicans, early 2 in 5 did not agree with his communications over half of them who called themselves “strong Republicans,” but, they had favorable view on Trump’s tweets.
“He has been talking mostly to his base and has not been reaching out,” said poll director Lee Miringoff.
Making sure that his tweets on social media do not work against him as he see’s to build support for his goal, would be one of the challenges for Trump.
In the Russian Hacks case, his denial of the judgment of US intelligence that Moscow was behind hacking-insults towards CIA and his sympathetic views towards foreign power - can complicate his wish to win support for his secretary of state nominee, The Exxon Mobil chief executive Rex Tillerson was having close ties to President Vladimir Putin from many years of doing same business in Russia.
Any President must have trust-based relationship with the country he leads.
“That only works if the president has credibility,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff, a Democrat from Burbank and member of the House Intelligence Committee
“So when you have a president-elect that sends out patently false information … that impugns the credibility of the [presidency], and at some point the president is going to need to be believed by the country,” Schiff said
This was second time in four days, Donald Trump once again is spreading falsehood, that White house did not say about the Russian hacking in public until after the election.
To spread falsehoods Trump is not the first president, Ronald Reagan, often repeated false news that were proved to be made up and also got the nick name “Teflon president.” for the fact that he was so infrequent.
Trump has vowed when he becomes the president to mute his Twitter activities. On Thursday his campaign spokesman has come up with strategy to stay out his way.
“I'd let the president-elect's tweets speak for themselves,” Miller said.