I began my spiritual journey and learning about meditation around the year 2000. At the beginning it seemed that I was not "fit" for this spiritual form of prayer. But I didn't quit. In 2007, a trusted friend, shared with me the "Oneness Blessing" that was extraordinary. I decided to give it a try and found people in my community that offered this form of Divine energy. A couple of weeks after my first Oneness Blessing, I noticed my first of many miracles: I used to have a very difficult relationship with one of my beautiful daughters. Every discussion turned into a battle.
I tried for 13 years to learn psychological tools to help me relate better with my daughter. It didn't matter, as soon as a problem arose, I would be caught up in the drama. Two weeks after receiving my first Oneness Blessing, a problem arose and my daughter was very upset. But this time around, I was very calm and I wasn't reacting to her. It felt so natural, but I suddenly realized: "wow, this is different, I'm never this calm" and I could tell by looking into my daughter's eyes, that she was as surprised that I wasn't reacting.
The problem dissolved right away, but the most important thing is that ever since that moment, my daughter and I have a very beautiful and loving relationship. Of course, sometimes we get upset, but it doesn't last. It doesn't create a charge anymore. And this shift for the better happened almost 10 years ago! I decided to go to India to the Oneness University right after that miracle, because I couldn't believe that something that I tried so hard to heal for so many years, healed so spontaneously thanks to the Oneness Blessing.
I have continued to visit the Oneness University almost yearly since then, and I could fill your newspaper with the countless miracles I and my family have received in every aspect of our lives: relationships, health, wealth, connectedness, fulfillment, growth in consciousness...
Now, for the very first time, the Oneness University is offering this profoundly transformational process here in the USA, thanks to technology. The Senior Guides, will teach via a Live Feed to 7 cities in the USA. Phoenix being one of them. This course is offered to help humanity find a permanent source of connectedness while opening our hearts to unconditional love and thanks to that personal connection, to receive more miracles in our lives.
This offering is Non-Denominational. It's deeply respectful of our beliefs. It doesn't matter what religion we practice, this offering helps us connect to the Divine, the All That Is, God, in the way that we know It.
I went to Washington DC to this two-day course two months ago and I am experiencing more peace, love, joy and harmony in my daily life. The energy of this course felt just like what I have experienced at the Oneness University in India. There is no doubt that thanks to this two-day course, my experience of the Divine is more present in my heart.
I find myself experiencing causeless joy spontaneously since being initiated to receive and transfer this new powerful form of Deeksha: The Golden Orb Blessing, we are seeing profound miracles in our ourselves, our friends and family thanks to it. Please don't miss this unique and rare opportunity that is happening in Phoenix for one time only. This coming May 20-22, 2016 at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix.
You can register Here or contact Olga Llerena at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or 650-619-4979.
-Olga A. Llerena