T cong members disrupt Patil’s speech in Parliament with ‘Jai Telangana’ slogans Top Stories

March 12, 2012 14:21
T cong members disrupt Patil’s speech in Parliament with ‘Jai Telangana’ slogans

‘Jai Telangana’ slogans by the Telangana congress members, DMK members’ demand to know the Government’s stand on UN Resolution against the Sri Lankan Government and BJP’s objections to the reference of 4.5 per cent sub quota to the minorities marked the last address of President Pratibha Patil to the joint session of Parliament today.

When the President began her speech in the budget session of the parliament, Telangana congress members were on their feet trying to know the developments on their demand for Telangana formation and raising ‘Jai Telangana’ slogans.

Earlier, DMK members also got up to know the Government’s stand on the proposed US resolution in the UN General Assembly condemning the Lankan soldiers’ atrocities against Tamils during the war on LTTE.

Pratibha Patil’s term as President will end in July and this is her last speech in the joint session of the Parliament as head of the country. Some members were also seen napping while the President was reading out from her prepared text.

Akhilesh Yadav steals limelight

The Chief Minister-designate of Uttar Pradesh, Mr Akhilesh Yadav, remained a special attraction in the joint session today as he went round the benches seeking blessings of senior members.

He even went up to the Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s seat and wished her with folded hands, bowing.

For her part, Sonia Gandhi went up to SP Chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and wished him on his party’s electoral success in UP. (J)

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