SS Rajamouli is the country's best director and his next film RRR is hitting the screens next Friday after a long delay. NTR and Ram Charan played the lead roles in this periodic drama and the top actors will be seen as freedom fighters Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetharama Raju respectively. RRR is made on a budget of Rs 400 crores and the film will have a record release all over the nation in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages. The movie is heading for a record release and the pre-bookings for the film are exceptional.
All the shows for the weekend would be sold out and there is huge demand for tickets. Special premieres are planned in Hyderabad and the distributors are quoting Rs 3 crores for 6 shows in Hyderabad. This is huge and there are talks that the ticket price for the show will go up to Rs 5000. Even in overases, the tickets are sold out for the weekend. RRR is expected to take an earth shattering start and is expected to smash all the existing records of Indian cinema. RRR is produced by DVV Danayya and is releasing on Friday. Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris are the heroines.