RRR is SS Rajamouli's next magnum opus after the franchise of Baahubali. Two Tollywood Superstars Ram Charan and NTR are the lead actors and they will be seen playing the roles of Alluri Seetharama Raju and Komaram Bheem respectively. The makers today announced that the entire shoot of RRR is wrapped up except a couple of pickup shots for the film. They will be completed before the end of this month and the post-production work of RRR is happening at a fast pace in Hyderabad. Rajamouli is in plans to ready the first copy of RRR by the end of this year.
And thats a wrap!
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) August 26, 2021
Except a couple of pickup shots, we are officially done with the entire shoot of #RRRMovie. Incidentally finished with the same bike shot that we started with on November 19th 2018. pic.twitter.com/lfXErpTbSS
A grand promotional plan is planned aggressively after the coronavirus fever calms down. The makers will also announce the new release date and RRR will release in summer next year. Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, Ajay Devgn and Shriya Saran played other pivotal roles in this periodic drama. MM Keeravani is the music director and the first single Dosti is already a smashing hit. DVV Entertainment are the producers and RRR is made on a budget of Rs 450 crores. The film is carrying huge expectations and the theatrical, non-theatrical rights of RRR are closed long ago.