The second wave of coronavirus brought a break for the film shoots and the Tollywood is shut completely for close to two months. With the restrictions lifted all over, the shoots of several Telugu projects resumed recently. Pan Indian star and Tollywood actor Prabhas resumed the shoot of his upcoming release Radhe Shyam. Radha Krishna Kumar is the director and Pooja Hegde is the leading lady. The shoot of Radhe Shyam resumed today and the last schedule will take place for two weeks.
The pending portions of the shoot along with a song will be shot. The song will be canned in a lavish set that is erected in Annapurna Studios, Hyderabad on Prabhas and Pooja Hegde. The makers are keen to release Radhe Shyam for Dasara in October 2021. Justin Prabhakaran is the music director and UV Creations, Gopikrishna Movies are the producers. The film is made on a budget close to Rs 250 crores and most of the budget is allocated for the sets and VFX work. The movie is set in 1970s in Europe and Radhe Shyam is said to be a romantic entertainer.