Superstar Mahesh Babu is on a break for a year after which he commenced the shoot of Sarkaru Vaari Paata in the direction of Parasuram. The mass entertainer is announced for release across the globe for Sankranthi next year. From the past few weeks, there are strong speculations that Mahesh Babu will work with top director Trivikram Srinivas soon. Keeping an end to all the speculations, the makers of his next film announced the news officially. The duo is teaming up after a long break of 11 years. Trivikram is currently busy with the script work of the project.
#SSMB28 ~ Super Star @urstrulyMahesh - #Trivikram
— Haarika & Hassine Creations (@haarikahassine) May 1, 2021
The shoot of the film commences soon once Mahesh Babu is done with the shoot of Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Trivikram is also busy finalizing the lead actors, technicians for the movie. A special video along with an announcement poster of the film is out. The film's pooja ceremony will take place on May 31st on the occasion of Krishna's birthday. The title of the film too will be announced on the same day and Thaman is on board as the music director. S Radha Krishna will produce this prestigious project on Haarika and Hassine Creations banner. The film is announced for summer 2022 release all over.