Young Rebelstar Prabhas is on a roll and he is occupied with a bunch of pan-Indian projects. Prabhas is the only South Indian actor to charge Rs 100 crores as remuneration for a project. He completed the shoot of Radhe Shyam. The film directed by Radha Krishna Kumar will release this year and the new release date will be announced once the second wave of coronavirus calms down. The actor announced Adipurush, Salaar and an untitled film with Nag Ashwin. Prabhas commenced the shoot of Adipurush this year and he completed two back to back schedules recently. Om Raut is the director and Kriti Sanon is the heroine.
Prabhas also completed a long schedule for Salaar in the direction of Prashath Neel. The next schedule that was planned to start from April 20th got delayed because of the second wave of coronavirus. The shoots of Adipurush and Salaar are kept on hold. Prabhas wanted to complete the shoots of both these projects and commence the shoot of Nag Ashwin's film from July. But with the current situations not favorable, the shoot of Nag Ashwin's film is pushed further and it will start from November during Diwali. Big B Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone play other important roles in this untitled film. The movie is said to be a sci-fi thriller and will be made on a budget of Rs 500 crores. Vyjayanthi Movies and Swapna Cinemas are the producers. This untitled film releases in 2023 in all the Indian languages along with English.