Young Rebelstar Prabhas after Baahubali franchise signed Saaho which is said to be a high voltage stylish action thriller that is being made on a massive budget. Sujeeth is the director and Shraddha Kapoor is playing the female lead. Neil Nithin Mukesh is essaying the role of the lead antagonist in Saaho which is under shoot. The makers are keen on releasing Saaho during summer next year.
On the eve of the actor's birthday, the makers released a stunning making video 'The Shades of Saaho' which reveals about the lavish action episode canned in Abu Dhabi for over a month. Top stunt choreographer Kenny Battes worked on the stunt and 400 crew members have been a part of this action episode. Prabhas looks stylish ahd cool in the released making video. Bankrolled by UV Creations, Saaho will release during summer next year.