Young actor Naga Chaitanya desperately needs a massive hit to prove his mettle and bounce back at the box-office. After a debacle like Shailaja Reddy Alludu, the actor pinned all his hopes on his next film titled Savyasachi. Chandoo Mondeti is the director and Nidhhi Agerwal is the heroine. R Madhavan is the lead antagonist and Bhumika will be seen essaying a crucial role in this action thriller. With one month left for release, the makers kick-started the promotions and the teaser of Savyasachi has been out today.
The teaser has been packed with action throughout and is a treat to watch. Naga Chaitanya looks dashing and performed action stunts with utmost ease. The film is based on the vanishing twin syndrome and Chaitu essays the role of a person with high potential. The background score has been stunning and the cinematography work is a treat. Mythri Movie Makers are producing Savyasachi and the film has been announced for November 2nd release all over.