Nandamuri Kalyanram is back with his latest outing titled ISM and the movie is said to be a stylish and racy action entertainer. Puri Jagannadh directed the movie which has been carrying decent expectations all over. The recently released songs have been topping the music charts and the theatrical trailer created huge sensation all over. Aditi Arya is the female lead in ISM and Anup Rubens composed the music. ISM completed all the censor formalities and the movie is gearing up for release.
ISM has been awarded U/A certificate with minor cuts and the movie has been well appreciated by the members of the censor board. The last half an hour of the film is said to be the major highlight of ISM and the action episodes that have been shot in Spain are the other highlights. Kalyanram produced ISM on NTR Arts banner and the movie has been slated for release on October 21st all over.