Superstar Mahesh Babu is currently shooting for his next upcoming movie titled Brahmotsavam which is in last leg of shoot. Sreekanth Addala is carving out this family entertainer and Samantha, Kajal, Praneetha are the female leads. The movie is said to be an emotional family entertainer which is being made on a budget of Rs 60 crores.
Brahmotsavam will complete shoot before the first week of May and the makers have revealed the first look motion poster of the movie. Mahesh looked completely massy and stunning in the motion poster riding a swanky bike. Mickey J Mayor is the music composer and Rathnavelu is the cinematographer.
Top producer Prasad V Potluri is producing Brahmotsavam on PVP Cinema banner and the movie has done a terrific pre-release business across the world. Mahesh pinned huge hopes on the movie and he is quite confident on the film’s success. Brahmotsavam is all set to hit the screens across the world on May 20th.