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Young actor Naga Chaitanya has recently wrapped up the shoot of his upcoming release Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo in the direction of Gowtham Menon. Manjima Mohan is playing the female lead in the movie and AR Rahman is composing the music. The movie will hit the screens in December and Chaitu has signed his next movie which is the remake of Malayalam super hit movie Premam. The movie has been officially launched today which has been titled as Majnu.
The movie will be directed by Chandu Mondeti who made an impressive debut with Karthikeya starring Nikhil. Majnu has been launched in Annapurna Studios with a pooja event and the event has been graced by Naga Chaitanya, Akhil, Chandu Mondeti, Anupama Parameshwaran, S Radha Krishna and other unit members. The regular shoot of the movie will start in December and Aisha Sharma, Sruthi Haasan, Anupama Parameshwaran will play the female leads. Majnu will be produced by S Radha Krishna on Haarika and Haasinee Creations banner which will have its release during summer next year.