Maaya Telugu Movie Review

Maaya Telugu Movie Review

Maaya Telugu Movie Review
  • Rating:
    (No Data/5)
  • Director:
  • Cast:
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  • Producer:
  • Music:
  • Release Dt :
    Mar, 12 2025


  • Film : Maaya
  • Producer : M.V.K.Reddy, Madhura Sreedhar Reddy
  • Director : Neelakanta
  • Star Cast : Harshvardhan Rane , Avantika Mishra, Sushma Raj...
  • Music Director : Shekhar Chandra
Rating: 2.5/5

Maaya is a Telugu movie which is based on the concept of Extra Sensory Perception. The film has Harshavardhan Rane, Avantika Mishra and Sushma Raj. National Award winner Neelakanta directed the film.

Other Ratings

Average Movie Rating
  AVG: 2.5/5


  Not yet rated..




Meghana [Avantika Mishra] is a host of a television program but she suffers with a unique psychic disorder called Extra Sensory Perception where she can foresee all fatal incidents which might happen in future. She experiences this right from her childhood in the form of her mother's death. Moving, Meghana gets to work with fashion designer Siddharth Varma [Harshavardhan Rane] and eventually both fall in love. Just when Meghana decides to express her love to Siddharth, she foresees that he is already engaged to her childhood friend Pooja [Sushma Raj]. What will happen next ? Who is Siddharth forms the entire crux of the film.

Analysis :


As the movie is based on psychic ability, Neelakanta should be appreciated for doing all the ground work needed. The storyline is something unique and never told before on the Telugu screen. For such out of the box films, screenplay and editing play a major role and they are really quite good. The first half of the film deals with introduction of characters and interval unveils the plot and second half is the biggest asset for the film. Especially the last half-an-hour is the vital part of movie and we have a nail biting climax.

Lack of proper comedy and commercial formula may be a demerit for the film but as the story line is intense, it won't bother much.

Performance :


Harshavardhan Rane who is yet to prove his mettle, seems like got a break through with film. He has two shades in his roles and Harshavardhan excelled in both with decent performance. Avantika Mishra is good as psychic disorder person. Debutants' generally make skin show, but Avantika a did a meaty role which showed her skills of acting. Sushma Raj, she is the show stopper and the main reason for major twists in the film. Her character has element of surprise and it must be watched on the silver screen.

Final Word: Maaya will enthrall you and deserves a watch.




Maaya Telugu Movie Review


Final Word

Stills from this movie