Study Says, Staying Out Of Facebook Makes You HappierSocial Media

November 14, 2015 12:43
Study Says, Staying Out Of Facebook Makes You Happier},{Study Says, Staying Out Of Facebook Makes You Happier

(Image source from: Study Says)

A Denmark-based study conducted by Happiness Research Institute has revealed that quitting Facebook can make you happy. The study found that people who abstained from the social networking website felt more enthusiastic, less lonely, less worried and more decisive.

A total of 1095 volunteers were enrolled in the study. They were divided into two groups. One group continued using Facebook, while the other one spent time away from the social networking website.

A week later, 88% people who gave up Facebook said they felt ‘happy’, compared to 81% of those who continued to check ‘news feed’ in Facebook. Anxiety associated with Facebook use to envy at the lives of other people when they are seen enjoying was ascribed by the researchers.

Authors of the study wrote, “Instead of focusing on what we actually need, we have an unfortunate tendency to focus on what other people have.”

According to CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, Meik Wiking, “Facebook is a constant bombardment of everyone else’s great news.”

Sophie Anne Dornoy, 35, one of the volunteers was reported as saying, “After a few days, I noticed my to-do list was getting done faster than normal as I spent my time more productively. I also felt a sort of calmness from not being confronted by Facebook all the time.”


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