In a historic discovery, scientists have found 91 volcanoes under the large area of Antarctica’s icy region. The discovery has also made it the largest volcanic region on planet earth.
The researchers of the Edinburgh University in the United Kingdom, successfully discovered 91 volcanoes, addition to the previously found 47 others. The highest volcano stands at Eiger at 4,000 meters in Switzerland.
A researcher while speaking to The Guardian said the active peaks are in the region which is called as Antarctic RIft System, which is spread in area of 3,500 km from Antarctica's Ross ice shelf to the peninsula of antarctic.
Researcher Robert Bingham said that they were not expecting to find something in this large number and they have found almost three times of what it was existed in West Antarctica.
These researchers further added that any activity in the region can affect the whole earth. If the active volcano erupts, it can increase the flow of ice to the sea. They also warned that various active volcanoes in the region have lost the glacier which was covering them and same can happen in the this region as the ice in Antarctica is already starting to melt due to climate change.