Pregnant Women Need 50,000 Dietary Calories To Carry A Child 2024-05-27 14:25:18
Have you ever considered the amount of energy required by a woman during pregnancy? A recent research study has revealed fascinating information about the energy requirements of pregnant women. According to Australian scientists, a pregnant woman needs around 50,000 nutritional...
Keywords: Pregnant Women, Pregnant Women breaking, Pregnant Women latest breaking, Pregnant Women dietary calories
Read MoreBreast-Feeding Decreases The Risk Of Heart Diseases In Women 2017-06-24 10:07:50
Breast-feeding may literally be good for the heart: A new study suggests that breast-feeding decreases the risk of heart diseases in women. For the study, researchers have analyzed information from nearly 300,000 women in China. They found that those women...
Keywords: Breast-Feeding, Women health, Breast-Feeding and heart diseases, Risk Of Heart Diseases In Women
Read MoreWomen care about looks, men sex 2011-12-06 06:00:46
A new survey has found, Women think more about how they look than they do about men. It also found that women think more about food than they do about sex and put much more effort into dieting and their...
Keywords: dieting, women dieters, Women think about men sex, Beauty
Read MoreFood must to be included by women in diet 2016-01-13 12:12:28
Women and men usually have different diet requirements. It is essential for women to pick food suitable for the body requirement and include in the diet. Few such foods are listed below. Flax seeds - Flax seeds enhance over all...
Keywords: women diet requirements, women diet, women diet, women diet
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