Search Results On time magazine (Page 1 of 4)

time magazine (Page 1 of 4)

  • Saikat Chakrabarti, Democratic Leader Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, meet 32 year old indian origin man behind radical democratic leader alexandria ocasio cortez, Time magazine

    Meet 32-Year-Old Indian Origin Man Behind Radical Democratic Leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2019-07-12 09:12:28

    The United States Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ever since she won the Democratic Party's primary election for New York's 14th congressional district back in January, has been making ripples. More recently, her 'Green New Deal' proposal calling for a drastic...

    Keywords: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, ndian origin, Democratic Leader Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Indian origin man

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    Section 377 Lawyers Arundhati Katju and Menaka Guruswamy, Section 377 Lawyers Arundhati Katju and Menaka Guruswamy, its a personal win too section 377 lawyers arundhati katju and menaka guruswamy reveal they are a couple, Time magazine

    'Its a Personal Win Too': Section 377 Lawyers Arundhati Katju and Menaka Guruswamy Reveal They Are a Couple 2019-07-20 07:54:42

    On 6 September 2018, Indians rejoiced as the Supreme Court struck down Section 377 of the IPC. An interesting aspect to the case has come up recently regarding the five-judge panel who fought the case. The two advocates, who played a...

    Keywords: criminalization of homosexuality, Section 377, Section 377 Lawyers Arundhati Katju and Menaka Guruswamy, Section 377 Lawyers Arundhati Katju and Menaka Guruswamy

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    cultural reset, inspiration, from 1980 to 2020 the biggest female icon of each year worldwide, Time magazine

    From 1980 to 2020 - The biggest Female Icon of Each Year Worldwide 2021-01-19 09:46:23

    Women have made big moves and impacted so many of us who live today. When it came to pop culture, women had to pave the way to help female icons today be who they want to be and embrace the...

    Keywords: cultural reset, pop culture, inspiration, cultural reset

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    natural anxiety supplements, herbs for anxiety and depression, 10 natural ways to overcome anxiety, Time magazine

    10 Natural Ways to Overcome Anxiety 2019-07-08 12:21:18

    Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues. In the United States, more than 18 percent of adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year, while one of every four Indians affected by an anxiety disorder. The common...

    Keywords: cure anxiety, natural ways to cure anxiety, cure anxiety, Natural Ways to Overcome Anxiety

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    famous left handed musicians, famous people who are left handed, international lefthanders day 10 famous people who are left handed, Time magazine

    International Lefthanders Day: 10 Famous People Who Are Left-Handed 2019-08-13 11:34:14

    August 13 is marked as the day of International Lefthanders Day. The day dedicated for lefties was first introduced almost 30 years ago by the Club of Lefthanders. As per figures, only 10 percent of the people are lefthanders, and...

    Keywords: famous people who are left handed, famous people who are left handed, famous left handed musicians, famous left handers in india

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    TIME international magazine, TIME international magazine, time magazine portrays pm modi on its international edition with arguable headline, Time magazine

    TIME Magazine Portrays PM Modi on Its International Edition with Arguable Headline 2019-05-10 10:34:39

    Amid the ongoing general elections in India, the TIME magazine has featured Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the cover of its international edition with an arguable headline. The secondary one reads “Modi the Reformer”. The American magazine's May 20, 2019...

    Keywords: TIME international magazine, PM Modi on TIME international magazine, TIME magazine, TIME magazine

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