Search Results On superbug


  • gonorrhoea, gonorrhoea, std more dangerous than aids, Superbug

    STD more dangerous than AIDS? 2013-05-07 12:33:17

    If you thought the worst fear of having unprotected sex with multiple partners would be AIDS, that could have been a couple of years ago. A relatively new bacteria that is capable of much more harm and faster death than...

    Keywords: superbug gonorrhoea, dangerous than aids, dangerous than aids, gonorrhoea

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    Sunita Williams news, Spacebug Detected, trouble for sunita williams after spacebug detected, Superbug

    Trouble For Sunita Williams after Spacebug Detected 2024-06-11 07:44:20

    A new health concern has surfaced for NASA's Indian-born astronaut Sunita Williams and the eight other crew members currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS). A formidable bacterial strain, known as 'Enterobacter bugandensis,' has taken up residence within the orbital...

    Keywords: Spacebug Detected, Spacebug Detected, NASA, NASA

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