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science (Page 1 of 4)

  • H-1B visa holders USA limit, H-1B visa holders USA, how h 1b visa holders stay beyond 6 years in the usa, Science

    How H-1B visa holders stay beyond 6 years in the USA? 2025-01-28 14:49:51

    Thousands of Indians work in the United States every year on a temporary visa like the H-1b, but have the dream of getting a permanent place of residence through a green card. The journey from H-1b visa to the constant...

    Keywords: H-1B visa holders USA stay, H-1B visa holders USA latest breaking, H-1B visa holders USA stay, H-1B visa holders USA latest breaking

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    Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List latest, Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List, why is bhutan on usa s travel ban list, Science

    Why Is Bhutan On USA’s Travel Ban List? 2025-03-17 14:26:14

    The administration under Donald Trump has compiled a “red” list featuring 11 nations whose inhabitants will be restricted from entering the United States. This initiative is part of an extensive travel ban strategy affecting potentially up to 43 nations. Officials...

    Keywords: USA bans Bhutan, Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List latest breaking, Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List, Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List

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    Narendra Modi and Donald Trump new updates, Narendra Modi and Donald Trump latest meeting, narendra modi and donald trump meet highlights, Science

    Narendra Modi and Donald Trump Meet Highlights 2025-02-14 12:28:39

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in significant talks with US President Donald Trump at the White House, focusing on key areas including defense, trade, technology, and energy. President Trump greeted PM Modi with an affectionate embrace prior to their discussions....

    Keywords: Donald Trump, Narendra Modi and Donald Trump breaking updates, Narendra Modi, Narendra Modi

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    Obesity Crisis breaking, Obesity Crisis research, how severe is obesity crisis in india, Science

    How Severe Is Obesity Crisis In India? 2025-02-24 14:52:43

    Indians find themselves alongside the United States and China on the obesity spectrum, with approximately 80 million individuals classified as obese, according to a report by Lancet. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi kicked off an anti-obesity initiative following a discussion...

    Keywords: Obesity Crisis breaking, Obesity Crisis latest, Obesity Crisis in India, Obesity Crisis latest

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    Science of Meal Timing advice, Science of Meal Timing news, the science of meal timing for a calmer and resilient you, Science

    The Science of Meal Timing for a Calmer and Resilient You 2025-02-24 14:17:03

    In today's fast-paced world, it's become commonplace to skip breakfast, eat lunch on the run, or indulge in late-night snacks. With the hectic pace of life, adhering to regular meal times seems like a distant memory. However, what if these...

    Keywords: Science of Meal Timing breaking, Science of Meal Timing, Science of Meal Timing latest, Science of Meal Timing research

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    Drink Bottled Water experts, Drink Bottled Water bad for health, is it safe to drink bottled water kept in your car, Science

    Is it Safe to Drink Bottled Water kept in your Car? 2025-03-12 14:07:08

    Have you ever taken a water bottle with you on a road trip only to completely overlook it? Or, for those constantly on the move, have you ever placed a water bottle in your vehicle for "emergencies," only to discover...

    Keywords: Drink Bottled Water latest, Drink Bottled Water latest breaking, Drink Bottled Water good, Drink Bottled Water latest breaking

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