Terrific Tips On Speed Reading 2012-02-27 06:02:07
It is important for people to develop reading abilities whether it's for business or educational purposes. For future remembrance, people need to understand as well as absorb vast amounts of information. But if their comprehension speed is slow, it can...
Keywords: Reading abilities, increase your reading, increase your reading, Reading abilities
Read MoreParents attention please! Healthy Diet may boost Children's Reading Skills 2016-09-14 12:13:39
A new study claimed that, Children who eat a healthy diet may have better reading skills in the first three years of school. The study conducted by the researchers of University of Jyvaskyla in Finland and University of Eastern Finland,...
Keywords: children reading skills, children reading skills, Healthy Diet may Boost Children's Reading Skills, Healthy Diet may Boost Children's Reading Skills
Read MoreBedtime smartphone use may affect child’s sleep and health! 2016-11-03 10:28:41
Parents pay attention! A recent study has found that, children who use smartphones or tablets at bedtime may be at more than twice the risk of inadequate sleep, which may lead to several health issues like poor diet and obesity....
Keywords: use of smartphone, child's sleep, Bedtime smartphone use, use of smartphone
Read MoreIndia ranks 72 in 'global educational survey' 2012-01-23 05:57:42
School students celebrate after checking their CBSE results. A global survey has found that the average 15-year-old Indian is over 200 points behind the global topper. MUMBAI: Across the world, India is seen as an education powerhouse – based largely...
Keywords: PISA, India Ranks 72, India Ranks 72, India ranked 72nd out of 73 countries
Read MoreBeware! Book worms can read your mind 2013-10-04 13:18:24
Mental health is considered to be as important as bodily heath, maybe more. When mental faculties are able and positive, even recovery from chronic diseases becomes possible. Such occurrences have been recorded throughout history. To take our minds a step...
Keywords: how to read minds, fictional novels, Telepathy., Book worms
Read MoreFive factors that create exam stress in children! 2016-10-12 10:41:29
It is natural for children who are preparing for exams to be under pressure. The exam stress can have both positive and negative impact on children. A certain amount of stress is rather considered to be effective and beneficial as...
Keywords: Factors that create exam stress, exam stress in children, exam stress in children, exam stress in children
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