Search Results On pregnancy stress

pregnancy stress

  • fathers young adults obesity, fathers young adults obesity, to prevent obesity in young adults fathers can help, Pregnancy stress

    To prevent obesity in young adults, fathers can help! 2016-07-05 10:57:35

    Children learn from their parents! But, parents can also help their children when it comes to developing healthy behaviors. A recent study suggests that, the young adults can be prevented from obesity with the help of fathers. Fathers play an...

    Keywords: fathers young adults obesity, Obesity in children, research obesity, fathers young adults obesity

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    smoking pregnancy, pregnancy, smoking marijuana during pregnancy may harm baby s brain, Pregnancy stress

    Smoking Marijuana during pregnancy may harm baby's brain! 2016-06-22 07:00:03

    A recent study warned that, smoking cannabis during pregnancy may lead to abnormal brain structure in children. The study revealed that, children who were prenatally exposed to cannabis had a thicker prefrontal cortex in compare to unexposed children. It is...

    Keywords: Smoking cannabis, pregnancy, Smoking cannabis, smoking children brain

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    pregnancy stress, pregnancy complication, low birth weight pregnancy stress up disease risk in mothers, Pregnancy stress

    Low birth weight, pregnancy stress up disease risk in mothers! 2016-06-14 11:04:01

    A recent study suggests that, low birth weight or stress during pregnancy may lead long-term health issues in mothers. It may affect adrenal, metabolic and cardio-renal health after pregnancy. According to Jean Ni Cheong, from the University of Melbourne, leading...

    Keywords: Low birth weight, pregnancy stress, pregnancy study, pregnancy complication

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