Sebi to monitor independent analysts 2012-03-12 06:08:16
A major area of concern in regulating independent analysts is the fact that it could amount to putting curbs on expression of opinion, the official said. It has also been felt that the research reports as such might not be...
Keywords: fund houses, independent analysts, fund houses, regulatory ambit
Read MoreThe world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis is NewYork 2013-08-27 09:55:00
New York City, arguably the world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis, occupies five boroughs, each with its own distinct identity. After all, before the historic 1898 consolidation, Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island were each independent municipalities. Manhattan...
Keywords: world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis., world's most vibrant and sprawling metropolis., Newyork, Newyork
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