Search Results On derailment


  • Port Richmond derailment, Philadelphia train accident, 50 hurt and at least 5 casualties in amtrak train derailment in philadelphia, Derailment

    50 hurt and at least 5 casualties in Amtrak Train Derailment in Philadelphia? 2015-05-13 04:14:43

    According to media reports an Amtrak train derailed in Philadelphia, which originated from New York City to Washington, D.C. with nearly 240 passengers on board. As per initial reports about 50 passengers were wounded and 5 casualties took place. Eight...

    Keywords: Mayor Michael Nutter, Train accident in America, Mayor Michael Nutter, Philadelphia train accident

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    Chennai news, Derailment, rice wagons jump off track derail traffic, Derailment

    Rice wagons jump off track, derail traffic 2012-04-27 12:23:55

    Two wagons and a brake van attached to a goods train, ferrying rice to a Food Corporation of India (FCI) godown in Kerala, derailed at Attipattu Pudu Nagar on the outskirts of the city, paralysing suburban services between Chennai and...

    Keywords: Derailment, Rice Wagons, Attipattu Pudu Nagar., Rice Wagons

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    worst train accident, Horrific rail accident in 25 years in France, horrific derailment takes place in france, Derailment

    Horrific derailment takes place in France! 2013-07-13 04:20:58

    Leastwise six people have experienced death at the same time many injured on Friday subsequent to a speeding train derailed as well as collided with the platform at a station just south of Paris resulting as France's worst rail accident...

    Keywords: south of Paris, Horrific derailment takes place in France, Horrific derailment takes place in France, south of Paris

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    Horrific derailment takes place in France, south of Paris, horrific rail accident in 25 years in france, Derailment

    Horrific rail accident in 25 years in France! 2013-07-13 05:40:31

    Leastwise six people have experienced death at the same time many injured on Friday subsequent to a speeding train derailed as well as collided with the platform at a station just south of Paris resulting as France's worst rail accident...

    Keywords: Horrific derailment takes place in France, rail accident in in France, worst train accident, Paris

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