Search Results On defence preparedness

defence preparedness

  • obsolete air defence, uproar in Rajya Sabha over army chief’s letter, army chief comes under fire in rs over leaking of his letter to pm, Defence preparedness

    Army chief comes under fire in RS over leaking of his letter to PM 2012-03-28 13:28:47

    Rajya Sabha witnessed uproar today resulting in two adjournments over the leaking of a confidential letter written by the Army Chief General VK Singh to the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on the defence preparedness of the country. While JD-U...

    Keywords: night fighting capacities, night fighting capacities, obsolete air defence, Army Chief’s letter to PM

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    General V.K.Singh, Leakage of letter, singh calls leakage of letter high treason, Defence preparedness

    Singh calls leakage of letter ‘high treason’ 2012-03-29 10:58:49

    As tension gripped his relations with the Centre over the leakage of his letter to the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on the defence preparedness of the country, Army Chief General VK Singh today described the leak as high treason...

    Keywords: lack of defence preparedness, lack of defence preparedness, lack of defence preparedness, Leakage of letter

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