Search Results On chinese goods (Page 1 of 2)

chinese goods (Page 1 of 2)

  • American Companies in india, American Companies in china, about 200 american companies seeking to move manufacturing base from china to india usispf, Chinese goods

    About 200 American Companies Seeking to Move Manufacturing Base from China to India: USISPF 2019-04-27 06:42:51

    Post the general elections, about 200 American companies are seeking to move their manufacturing base from China to India, said a top United States-based advocacy group, observing that there is a fantastic opportunity with firms looking at alternatives to the...

    Keywords: American Companies in china, American Companies in china, American Companies, USISPF

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    China, Chinese products, indian app highlights backlash against chinese products and applications, Chinese goods

    Indian app highlights backlash against Chinese products and applications 2020-06-03 13:41:49

    Following the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, there has been a sudden rage against China in Indians, holding them accountable for the spread of the virus. One of the most common applications that have witnessed the wrath of it is Tik Tok....

    Keywords: Chinese products, Remove China Apps, Remove China Apps, Chinese products

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    Anti- China, Micromax, micromax gets back after the anti china talk, Chinese goods

    Micromax Gets Back After The Anti-China Talk 2020-11-03 14:03:03

    The Indian company is back and has come up with two smartphones that are reasonably priced with a new branding called ‘IN’. The company launched IN Note 1 and IN 1B. It has a good camera, large batteries, and most...

    Keywords: Technology, Technology, IN Phones, IN Phones

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    highest taxing nation, tariffs by India, india is one of the highest taxing nations in the world donald trump, Chinese goods

    India Is One of the ‘Highest Taxing Nations’ in the World: Donald Trump 2019-04-04 12:07:10

    President Donald Trump has alleged that India is one of the world’s “highest taxing nations” and further criticized the country imposing 100 percent tariffs on American products, including the iconic Harley-Davidson motorcycles.During his address at the National Republican Congressional Committee...

    Keywords: India, donald trump, tariff king, India

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    Chinese import, India boycotts China, india plans to cut down the china market from the country and here s how, Chinese goods

    India plans to cut down the China market from the country and here’s how: 2020-06-19 06:47:38

    Government is taking a step to cutting down the market from China to a minimum by taking several decisions of investing in manufacturers in the country. It is no secret that China and India are in a war both literally...

    Keywords: Chinese import, Government restricts China, India boycotts China, Government restricts China

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    13th world summit, summit, pm modi to meet president xi jinping over g20 sidelines, Chinese goods

    PM Modi To Meet President Xi Jinping Over G20 Sidelines 2018-10-16 10:27:47

    Indian PM Modi and Chinese President Jinping all set to meet on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Argentina in the Month of November, Meeting to commence tentatively on the 30th of the November, This is the 13th G20...

    Keywords: xi, 13th world summit, china, 13th world summit

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