Search Results On character limit

character limit

  • character limit, direct messages, now you can send longer messages on twitter, Character limit

    Now You Can Send Longer Messages On Twitter 2015-08-14 07:00:27

    On Thursday Twitter, Micro-blogging platform, announced the increase of direct message (DM) limit to 10,000 characters facilitating users to send longer private messages. The existing character limit is 140.Twitter company said in a statement that, “Twitter has eliminated the 140-character...

    Keywords: Twitter, direct messages, Twitter, Twitter

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    Twitter, Doubling Characters, struggling to fit your tweets no issue twitter is now testing 280 character tweets, Character limit

    Struggling to fit your tweets, no issue twitter is now testing 280-character tweets 2017-09-28 07:16:41

    Most of the people in present generation use social media platforms to express their opinions. Twitter is one such platform widely used across the world to express their opinions. From some of us, it is always a struggle to express...

    Keywords: Doubling Characters, Twitter, Doubling Characters, Doubling Characters

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