Before Android 3, options menu is displayed by clicking menu . Solution 4: first : i have added all facebook3.0 related sample + facebookSDk projects in one workspace . So, as an alternative, you could do that as follows. After spending some time on the Internet, I found a lot of different solutions. See the below code for reference. 2022-07-10 01:17 . onOptionsItemSelected is in the Activity class, not in the OnNavigationItemSelectedListener.Likely it was pasted in the wrong position. In this project the back arrow doesn't react. That means I have to handle two cases: when user uses hardware back button and back button in toolbar. But when I tried same solution in my existing app, toolbar is always null. public KeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { . this is how i generate and show menu on click of a button. It provides the following information about pro I have set SetHasOptionsMenu(true) on this fragment , i dont know whether its required or not. I'm working with a Xamarin Forms project and I'm trying to override the default behavior of the Navigation Bar Back Button in order to run my own navigation service. OnOptionsItemSelected not triggered in FormsAppCompatActivity(Forms1.5.1+) . But onOptionsItemSelected is never called. Toolbar; CollapsingToolbarLayout; ActionBar; For more information on app bars, see Set up the app bar. Previously the working solution was adding the following lines in the OnCreate and . It also ignores certain color themes, so you can't style the back arrow or overflow icon (don't remember which). EDIT: With the override onBackPressed The Toolbar type is boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item) This method should be called by your Activity 's onOptionsItemSelected method. When the user selects an item from the options menu (including action items in the app bar), the system calls your activity's onOptionsItemSelected () method. However, it is not being called. 8: ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box in android: 9: How to set menu to Toolbar in Android: 10: Is it possible to use VectorDrawable in Buttons and TextViews using android:DrawableRight? Update : You could read the ActionBarDrawerToggle document, notice the two constructors there. I managed to fix this by calling onOptionsItemSelected directly from activity instead of fragment. Create MasterDetailPage and use Detail as NavigationPage. Each item click should trigger a different method. You must handle the ItemClick event on the ListView. But this method is called when an item is clicked in the options . mAudioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); .} This method passes the MenuItem selected. OnOptionsItemSelected is not the event that is triggered when an item in your NavigationDrawer list is clicked. Question: I got two similar buttons added as items to menu I inflate items to menu in onCreateOptionsMenu with Everything seems fine, but when i click in application, nothing happens as onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) is never called Adding toolbar with Solution 1: I finally found the answer. As Detail I push a Details1 page wrapped by NavigationPage. no ripple) Let's take care of the first one. I have a list of menu items in my actionbar. inside this i have removed errors by :- FixProjectSetup (atLast position ) Add code to the Activity's OnCreate method to locate the Toolbar and call SetActionBar to install the ToolBar as the action bar. A simple app is created and its action bar is replaced with a customized Toolbar. I have added navigation drawer to an activity which contains PagerSlidingStrip.I can see the navigation drawer when I slide from left to right of screen but I can't see navigation Solution 1: add this @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) { super . @ Roon13 Xa super.onCreateOptionsMenu; t onCreateOptionsMenu ca phn mnh. Second reason is that your onCreateOptionsMenu () code is commented which needs not to be. I used it in another project and it worked without fail. in which i found a .jar file : androiddependencies->facebooksdk.jar (note this exact path ) 1.) AppBarConfiguration . Fragment's onOptionsItemSelected () receives the selected menu item as a parameter and returns a boolean to indicate whether or not the touch has been consumed. When I start my app, the ripple effect of the hamburger icon is shown but the drawer is not opened. respective onOptionsItemSelected () method is called for that fragment. Other menu types are Context menu which displays on long click on an element and Popup menu which displays a list of items in vertical list. AppCompat v7 Toolbar onOptionsItemSelected not called - Android [ Glasses to protect eyes while codiing : ] AppCompat v7 Toolbar onO. Show back button using actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (true) this will enable the back button. Just include the toolbar like you would normally, in your layout, assume it's using an id of @+id/toolbar. OnOptionsItemSelected Never Called when use MasterDetailPage's Detail as NavigationPage, and I can't intercept the software back button in the navigation bar. Any Activity that implements FormsAppCompatActivity will fail to call OnOptionsItemSelected public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected (Android.Views.IMenuItem item) { Debug.WriteLine ("OnOptionsItemSelected called"); return base.OnOptionsItemSelected (item); } Comment 1 Thetyne 2016-06-11 09:41:08 UTC. This page will walk through Android options menu example using getMenuInflater().inflate, onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected. onCreateOptionsMenu (menu); return true ; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( MenuItem item ) { return super . It took me so long to notice the last line in the consturctor documentation: "Please use ActionBarDrawerToggle(Activity, DrawerLayout, int, int) if you are setting the Toolbar as the ActionBar of your activity." After using the first constructor onOptionsItemSelected() was called with no issues. Here is where problem starts. Include the Toolbar layout in the Activity's Main.axml layout file. The following sections explain this process in detail. While override fun onOptionsItemSelected (item: MenuItem): Boolean does only work for the second menu, which may be under your inflated toolbar. The action bar automatically gets the title from its activity's android:label manifest attribute, so you may not need to call setTitle() yourself on the Toolbar.. Populating the Action Bar. Each item click should trigger a different method. Moreover, the result of my research clearly shows how different ways you can approach the solution of problems in Android. ``` public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnOptionsItemSelected called"); return base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item); } ``` It should be called whenever the back button (or any button) in the Navigation bar is pressed. Marked as answer by Anonymous Thursday, June 3, 2021 12:00 AM Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Move inside the dists folder which is inside the wrapper folder. (This is almost same as sample app only with lots of plugins & IOC) Toolbar toolbar = FindViewById (Resource.Id.toolbar); ---This always returns null :-(SetSupportActionBar(toolbar); What could be probably wrong in my existing application? The question of placing an icon with a counter in the upper toolbar, as it turned out, was quite a matter of concern. For your case one thing you could try is setting up a handler for the toolbar opposed to calling SetSupportActionBar. From Details1 I pused Details2 page. Android : AppCompat v7 Toolbar onOptionsItemSelected not called [ Beautify Your Computer : ] Android : AppCompat v7. This is how the actionbar is defined in MainActivity: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { . User367171 posted Hi nandininadig.0478, Have you tried to . onOptionsItemSelected isn't being called when clicking on the custom menu item; The custom menu item isn't visually responding to clicks (i.e. This is how the actionbar is defined in MainActivity: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { . So call toolbar.SetNavigationOnClickListener(someListener) Then inside that listener is where you could then just trigger a PopAsync from the navigation page and then fire the code in OnOptionsItemSelected I don't have a special listener on the toggle button or the drawer itself and the onOptionsItemSelected method is not called. 2.) This is a bug in android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView . So my final code looks like this: HomeFragment.kt: //We set menu from fragment override fun onCreateOptionsMenu (menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) { inflater.inflate (, menu) super .onCreateOptionsMenu (menu, inflater) } Add a comment. Then, OnOptionsItemSelected will be called when you click the Hamburger menu. how to add back button in android title bar (6) . It's very important to my team to do navigation through WebView and local Pages. This will enable the back function to the button on the press. setDrawerIndicatorEnabled void setDrawerIndicatorEnabled (boolean enable) Enable or disable the drawer indicator. Unfortunately, after doing all this, the OnOptionsItemSelected method was still not called. But onOptionsItemSelected is never called. Now the lines (and the likes): "return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);" in the activity and fragment are super important, because as if you will follow the code in debug, you will see that the menue events functions will be called first on the Activity, and if the item did not match the id's in the activity's switch-case, the degault line : "super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);" will call the . Create action bar variable and call function getSupportActionBar () in the java/kotlin file. second : i have run a sample project . 2018Rxjava+RetrofitRxjava+RetrofitRxjava+Retrofit+Mvp . OnOptionsItemSelected not called in xamarin froms AndroidX. First reason is that you have'nt properly implemented onCreateOptionsMenu () and onOptionsItemSelected () @Override methods in Activity so uncomment that Activity can also call their respective super methods. You don't set a onMenuItemClickListener on your toolbar. onOptionsItemSelected not called. The MainActivity is the parent of the other activity (Manifest). 574. Strange but I cannot find any issue reported in the . I have added navigation drawer to an activity which contains PagerSlidingStrip.I can see the navigation drawer when I slide from left to right of screen but I can't see navigation Solution 1: add this @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu ( Menu menu ) { super . Use detail page to navigate to other pages, such as a WebView page. Android Studio Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper: 7: How to draw a filled triangle in android canvas? Options menu is the primary collection of menu items. Fragment.onOptionsItemSelected (Showing top 20 results out of 315) Fragment onOptionsItemSelected. Once an activity or fragment returns true from onOptionsItemSelected (), no other participating fragments will receive the callback. My MainActivity derives from FormsAppCompatActivity. The problem is, during run time public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item) is not being called, but Item click event is fired. Caution: If you pass a Toolbar as the argument to setSupportActionBar(), the ActionBar assumes complete ownership of that Toolbar and you must not use any Toolbar APIs after that call. Solution 1: I think you can refer to the following sample (the activity_main.xml looks like the one I posted in your previous question, but now edited - adding buttons inside top toolbar) public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener { private final Context mContext = this; @Override protected void onCreate . + setHasOptionsMenu (true); lm vic cho ti m khng xa Activity onOptionsItemSelected. 11 Go to the folder where you have gradle installed (the place where your GRADLE_HOME variable points to). You can use the support for the ActionBar to connect the ActionBar to NavController. For your case one thing you could try is setting up a handler for the toolbar opposed to calling SetSupportActionBar So call toolbar.SetNavigationOnClickListener (someListener) Then inside that listener is where you could then just trigger a PopAsync from the navigation page and then fire the code in OnOptionsItemSelected So if you want to use your toolbar that you inflate in onCreateView you have to implement: toolbar.setOnMenuItemClickListener { /*TODO*/ } Custom the back event at onOptionsItemSelected. @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { getMenuInflater . Try this: Looks like the issue sits with Xamarin.Forms, so it's time to start trawling through the source code. i created my project . Delete everything that you can find inside the dists folder (cached gradle wrapper) Run/launch your android flutter project again. But if I use Toolbar back button . March 10, 2017, at 07:15 AM. I have MasterDetails page. Your AppCompatActivity subclass such as . An exception that indicates a failed JDBC operation. I am trying to implement the onBackPressed() in my toolbar to go back to the MainActivity. [Solved] onOptionsItemSelected not called | 9to5Answer Solution 1 Inside your onCreateOptionsMenu, return true instead of calling super. It should re-download the gradle wrapper and . Actually i do not even override onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected in my Activity, only in the Fragment, so this is not the problem.. Yeah, onMenuItemSelected is a more generic method, that is why you have to pass Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL as the first parameter so it can know that an options menu event occurred. Nhng OnOptionsSelectedItem ca phn on 2 khng c gi. I'm using the new toolbar from the Appcompat V7 library and I'm making an application with navigation drawer and with fragments. Copy It should be wrapped in isInEditMode() check to skip getting audio manager during layout editing. However the activity gets a chance to handle it first, so the system calls onOptionsItemSelected () on the activity. Effect. If it returns true, your onOptionsItemSelected method should return true and skip further processing. can't . That should do it Solution 2 In the onCreate(), call setSupportActionbar(),. The failing code is. Programming Language Abap ActionScript Assembly BASIC C C# C++ Clojure Cobol CSS Dart Delphi Elixir Erlang F# Fortran -1. Rather than call inflateMenu() on the Toolbar, the action bar reuses the old onCreateOptionsMenu() callback function from the days of options menus.