The divorce rates are rising up to 50 per cent globally now, as the number of failed marriages are equal to the ones that work. The marriage therapists suggest that, when couples see signs of the relationships crumbling, they do try their best to make things work.
Are looking for the most crucial weak links in a marriage? Here are some things you should not do if you want to save your marriage.
Communicate poorly:
To avoid communication fault, you may try to get your partner to read your mind. Neither escalate into screaming anger nor shut down and refuse to talk. When you do talk, be sure to mention that time he or she did something wrong, even if it was five years ago. Also, never compliment or notice the good things, just focus on what is going wrong.
Don't put each other first:
You should not make each other your priorities. Once, you have kids, it is now all about the kids. There will be no more date nights and no more trying fun new things together. Alternatively, work like crazy and have no time for your spouse. Make spending time with your partner unimportant.
Never say sorry:
Refuse to apologize, when you did something wrong. Do not try to see anything from your spouse's point of view. When you hurt your partner, just make excuses and justify your behavior. Do not even try to make your spouse feel better.
Keep secrets:
You may not talk about your day or what worries are on your mind. Try to keep those things inside, which make you unhappy about something in the marriage. You should also make major financial decisions without discussion and you may also not share relevant information that can impact your future.
Have poor boundaries:
Never put boundaries around your relationship. You should allow family and friends to invade your life. Talk about your personal life with these people.
Never have sex:
Sex is not so important now that you are married. There is just too much going on in your lives. You are too busy and you definitely don't want the kids to hear you. Limit all kinds of physical contact and affection.
Also Read: Get married to quit drinking!