(Image source from: Excessive addiction to these lowers Libido!})
Anything too much is dangerous for future, it could be care, pleasures, games, vulgarity, porn and video games addiction. The excessive habituation to live on screen for watching the intercourse videos and video gaming leads to show negative effects as they cannot do well on board.
The knowledge of romance used to be a natural process, but the recent developments in technology and social orders, making human beings to be stuffed with extra knowledge. According to a research from a Stanford Psychologist, Philip Zimbardo, teenage boys who are addicted to porn and video games are experiencing a change in the way their brain works.
The researcher has mentioned that the victim, who addicts for these two, tend to isolate themselves from others. A Cnet report cited a quote from the researcher which explains the state of a teenage mind, "When I'm in class, I'll wish I was playing World of Warcraft. When I'm with a girl, I'll wish I was watching pornography, because I'll never get rejected."
These people just prioritise self or isolated satisfaction rather than physical contact with others. The study claims that boys who spend more than 15 hours online can fall victim to such a condition. Such boys don't report violent behaviour because they always remain in isolation, but have a high chance of developing Type 2 diabetes due to the heavy intake of soft drinks.
The extreme addiction to porn content to satisfy the psychological desire of intimacy can turn the person physiological state which in turn results in a decreased libido and Zimbardo terms it as PIED (Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction). The researcher opines that video games and porn are sabotaging what it means to be male.
However, some of the studies revealed that the videographic knowledge can help the partners to feel free in fun games. But, spending too much time on these stuffs certainly degrades the health of victims.