Most of us forgot or do not recognize the goodness of oiling hair on regular basis. It is essential to know that special oil maalish actually helps in maintaining healthy hair in the long run. Super benefits of oiling hair range from protecting hair from graying early till helping in fighting dandruff and fungal infections. Check out few benefits of oiling hair on daily basis.
Put a check to pre-mature graying of hair
Regular oiling keeps your hair healthy and strong. Moreover, it is an easy way to avoid pre-mature graying of hair.
Oil protects hair from pollution
Yes, true! Regularly, we meet with many environmental attacks like dust, dirt, ultra-violet rays, and pollution. We can wash off our face regularly to get away from these. But, it is not very much possible to keep washing our hair so frequently. By oiling hair regularly, you are giving a protective covering from all such attacks.
Avoid hair dryness
Hair dryness is a common problem for most of us. Besides regular hair spas, oiling hair on regular basis is tremendously beneficial in keeping hair smooth and supple. It is certainly a best way to keep your hair nourished for a longer period of time.
Oil as a coolant
Oil acts as a coolant, preventing hair from harsh heating conditions. If you have an extremely dry hair, apply oil on your hair and then wrap a towel soaked in hot water around your head. With this, oil penetrates well into the scalp and gives more cooling effect.
Smoothens hair
Best way to make your hair look shinier and smoother is by oiling daily or at least regularly. Blood circulation in the scalp increases with oiling. Thus, repairing damaged hair. This even makes hair smoother.