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It is generally considered to be great achievement for any to get into Ivy college or university, as the universities carry that much craze in academics. An Indian-origin student from Virginia could able get admission in all eight ivies, which has become a greatest milestone.
The Virginia girl, Pooja Chandrashekar (17) secured 4.57 grade-point average, scored a 2390 (out of 2400) on the SAT and topped in all her Advanced Placement exams, the Washington Post reported. She decided to apply for all the eight Ivies as the admissions were unpredictable. Fortunately she got listed in all the successful candidates’ board. The girl has to choose one among the Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Besides the above list of universities, she got admission six other including Stanford and MIT. According to the reports she has finalized the list to Harvard, Stanford and Brown as there she can get into a programme that ensures her admission to the university's medical school. Pooja Chandrashekar also founded a national non-profit organisation that encourages middle-school girls to participate in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs.
The girl has remarkable academic and technical achievements records, readers can go through her website poojachandrashekar.com