Dubai-Based Charity ‘PCT Humanity’ Run by Indian Expat Enters Guinness World Records for Holding Longest Iftar
May 22, 2019 04:31
(Image source from: LatestLY)
A charity owned by an Indian in the United Arab Emirates has set a new Guinness World Record for its hunger relief efforts during the holy month of Ramzan in Abu Dhabi.
Joginder Singh Salaria, the founder of PCT Humanity, said in a statement that efforts were in continuation to the vegetarian iftar held daily at the premises of his company Pehal International, Dubai Industrial Park.
The charity set the new Guinness World Records for “Longest Line of Hunger Relief Package” in Abu Dhabi on Saturday, Gulf News reported.
(Image source from: Facebook/pcthumanity)
“This is an incredible moment for all of us in the long journey of transforming lives of people and bringing smiles to them. Besides the record, our main aim is to feed people pure vegetarian food to stay healthy and fit and also save animals. We are glad people are joining us in spreading this message,” Salaria said in a statement.
Adjudicated by Douglas Palau, the bid saw iftar meals containing seven items spread in a line without keeping any gap between the packages for a kilometer, according to the report.
By Sowmya Sangam