(Image source from: Hindustantimes.com)
China’s best virologist, mostly known as Batwoman aka Shi Zhengli warns of another breakdown of coronavirus. She said that the world must get ready for one more COVID-19-like disease. She says that there is a high chance of an outbreak in the future. The deadly news is getting attention worldwide and creating tremors.
According to a South China Post report, Shi Zhengli’s recent study along with her team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology has evaluated a risk of 40 coronavirus species and half of them are highly risky. Six are already infected in humans and other variants will cause disease in humans and can also infect animal species.
Some of the reports say that Chinese authorities have stopped releasing the COVID-19 infection data. It is very certain according to Chinese scientists that there will be future disease emergence. Shi Zhengli and her colleagues have identified possible intermediate hosts like camels, civets, pigs and pangolins. She calls for a tool like Pathogens to identify the groundbreaking situation. Just like a mushroom textbook, which we avoid eating.
This journal Emerging Microbes & Infections was published in English language in July but has gathered attention in China recently. It has been widely spread recently in social media.