A woman has the best and toughest phase during pregnancy. The uterus of the woman expands and weakens the abdominal muscles and the weight gets increased in the belly region during pregnancy. The lower spine is bent backward and this brings a strain on the back of the woman. More than 60 percent of the women suffer from lower back pain during pregnancy because of the hormonal changes and the growing weight in the belly region. This can take a toll on the body of women and it takes months for them to recover. If this is ignored, it can lead to a weak spine in the future.
The pregnant woman should take care of herself and about the baby growing inside. They can continue to work during pregnancy but they will face several challenges. Specialists listed some of the dos and don'ts to stay healthy.
To avoid nausea at work, avoid small foods. Bland foods can turn lifesavers. Keep some stash at work. Ginger tea or Ginger ale can work.
Taking rest during a day can be tough and take foods that are rich in iron and protein. Red meat, seafood, poultry, green leafy vegetables, cereals and beans can be preferred. Take frequent breaks during your work.
Drink more and more water and sip other healthy fluids during the day. Scaling back will get you more rest after your workday ends. Shop online to relax.
Physical activity can help you to boost your energy levels. Take a walk or join the parental fitness classes. Take at least eight hours of sleep per day. Rest on your left side so that the blood flow will be increased for the baby. You can place pillows between your legs and under the belly.
Use an adjustable chair to sit which can reduce the strain on the back. When you are standing for a longer time, put your feet on a footrest. Wear comfortable shoes. Bend your knees and not your waist. Avoid twisting when you are lifting.
Prioritize your tasks and share the frustrations with your close friends or loved one. Practice breathing slowly and try a yoga class.
By Siva Kumar