Now Dietary Supplement Can Prevent Birth Defects and Miscarriages
August 10, 2017 10:28
According to the reports, Australian scientist have successfully discovered an amazing dietary supplement which carries the ability to prevent miscarriages as well as various birth defects in the pregnant women.
The report published in Xinhua news agency says that the discovery took place in the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney, where the scientists discovered that Niacin or vitamin B3 can be helpful in preventing various molecular deficiencies which may result into miscarriages as well as birth defects in women.
While speaking to Xinhua, leader of the team Professor Sally Dunwoodie said that due to the discovery new door has opened in improving the lives of the women in the world.
According to the scientists birth defects took place due to the deficiency of the molecule known as NAD, which is vial for overall development of the organs.
For the development of NAD, it is important we have enough amount of vitamin B3 in the body. Vitamin B3 is found in green vegetables, meats etc.
Victor Chang Institute’s Executive Director, Robert Graham said that it is important for a pregnant woman to get enough vitamin B3 even before pregnancy.